Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blessings overflow my way..

I wish... I could change the Font! :D.

Well.. welcome to my blog. I always love to write, and read others stories. Thanks for drop by and lemme know if u're a blogger. :D.
I'll start with things popped up in my mind these days. I wanna write 10 things i wanna do before i'm 27 . people will ask why 27? it's just me feel old enough after 27

1. I really really really want to attend Hillsong conference or mission conference. wherever it'll be. YWAM , Hillsong, or urbana..... either one.

2. I wanna go to East part of Indonesia, to the beach of course. i've written this down as my goal setting from 2008. i don't care, i'll keep in mind, i Will go there someday.
3. I'd love to stay in Canada, New Zealand or States for a lil while.
4. Art therapy... i want to study this powerful cure for kids.5. I'll travel to Cambodia, Filipin, Europe, and Japan :D.
6. I should make up my mind, whether i wanna stay in Indo orrrrr.......... in *.......
7. REDESIGN my house... trust me when I went to Xi'an we stopped by in KFC and wrote things i need to buy, to do +sketches. it took me 1.5h.. so I'd better do it when i come home :D. (honestly this is my 2nd time wrote that notes, i did it last year when i was in Changsha, but back home i had lotsa things went on n as always - i have no enough time- *Excuses* )


I won't fill the 8-10 now..... for i'm sure i'll have a bigger dream tomorrow, the day after or next week may be :D. let's see.....

Never stop dreaming!

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