Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Give me Jesus...
Give me Jesus..
You can have all this world
just gimme Jesus.

When I am alone,
give me Jesus..

dear Lord, thanks that You always up to restoring me.
Thanks for the Golden time to sit and to listen to Your Word.
Its just too much time I spent in defending all the walls that I build myself,
til I come down to the time where Your word, penetrate, n seek through this wounded heart.

Thanks Daddy,
thanks for John Eldredge and his honesty in revealing the truth.
Thanks for the " Walking with God"
Am blessed, and overwhelmed.

Times and times all I need is to obey rather than just stay in this "confusion"
Thanks when I don't know what to do, this book came up to mind..
Along the reading I know how You really work in this wounded heart.
I fail to trust times and times, yet Your amazing Grace once again has opened this eyes.
Father, let it be said to me, " was blind but now I see"

I pray for the restoration in the foundation of my life : )
I ask for the Grace to see this life in a different way..
You know me too well, You know how I always approach this life as a hard life and full of struggles. I'd rather think of FIGHT till you drop, than love this life, as God's gift.
I always wake up with another Question : Now what ?? other hard learning? words of " Hidup ini keras, bung! " unconsciously been deeply rooted in my mind. ok, lemme think the very 1st word would come out when it goes to life ? "Perjuangan" .
Hum...... I thought i was ok, totally okay.

til yesterday when i read through this part, "Accident, God?" chapter.
No, its not okay.
I need to be restored.
what John Eldredge wrote in his book is totally reflect how i approach this life, and why i need to be restored.

"My whole approach to life has been built on be tough, need nothing, push through. I have a really hard time being LOVED. It's hard to accept a fundamental reorientation of one's approach to life. The old ways are so deeply woven into our personalities, so grounded in our core assumptions, so rooted in our wounds and in what has worked for us over the years . And there is nothing like a crisis to expose all of it. ...

Now I'm back into the corner. This disruption is going to be far more than physical, Whatever else may come out of this, I want TO BE TRANSFORMED. Love is pretty central to life, after all. I don't think it's a good idea to miss out on love.

My approach to life is fundamentally based upon attack. Thats how I live. I attack life, I get up int the morning and attack the day.

But this is not the life i want to live, and also I pray : I come back to Your love. You said, My Love, I want a life that is based on Your love. ROOTED and GROUNDED in Your love.

I prayed, God, I give You permission to rebuild my personality based upon Your love "

I FEEL exactly the same way he felt, I often fail to name it, he helped me to name it and write that down, now the decision is in my hand, and the choice has been made,

I stepped over the line

I know my God is Reliable,

I pray the same prayer,
God, I give You permission to rebuild my personality based upon Your love.

- Be it unto me according to Your word

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