Monday, September 13, 2010

Where to put another penny ?

How discouraged ....

I put one kuai in a small cup...
I see from a far, there's a couple who's asking for a kind heart to put coins in their small cup...
I make up my mind, tho i don't have much, I put a coin n walk happily...
I saw how painful it is, the man was blind, yet he is still trying to at least, blow that music instrument..
And his wife has a hunchback and can't hardly walk, yet they do....
They're holding hands and say thanks with smile ....

I walked away...
Ready to have my dinner..
As I pray, I thank God for a bowl of rice, with meat n egg.
I ask for the joy in sharing n giving to others
And a heart to always count blessings.

I enjoy my meal...


when i just walked out from the resto,
I saw this couple,
They're smiling and giggling.

To my surprise....
The man still with his sunglasses, but he really walk way too fast for a blind man.
And he doesn't need to look at his wife if he's blind.
They giggle,
I'm trying to get closer, now they passed me by,
walking sooooo fast, and the hunchback was gone.
She walked straight and full of energy..
now they holding hands, but its not the way you'd hold a blind man.
They are as healthy as i am.

TWO sides,
I thank God, that they're not as suffer as I thought before : )
but its really discouraging.
to see what I just see,
I stop for a while..

n ask, What now?

And I have 2 choices :
being hatred, or 70 times 7.
being upset, and it will take away all the joy i have,
or stop complaining and forget it....

i make a decision on my way home.
to write this down
and never let the 'thief ' take away my joy. : ).

and hummmmmm ask for a discernment..
when n where should i put another penny.

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