Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Passport --- Rhenald Kasali

Passport oleh Rhenald Kasali

Setiap saat mulai perkuliahan, saya selalu bertanya kepada mahasiswa berapa orang yang sudah memiliki pasport. Tidak mengherankan, ternyata hanya sekitar 5% yang mengangkat tangan. Ketika ditanya berapa yang sudah pernah naik pesawat, jawabannya melonjak tajam. Hampir 90% mahasiswa saya sudah pernah melihat awan dari atas. Ini berarti mayoritas anak-anak kita hanyalah pelancong lokal.

Maka, berbeda dengan kebanyakan dosen yang memberi tugas kertas berupa PR dan paper, di kelas-kelas yang saya asuh saya memulainya dengan memberi tugas mengurus pasport. Setiap mahasiswa harus memiliki "surat ijin memasuki dunia global.". Tanpa pasport manusia akan kesepian, cupet, terkurung dalam kesempitan, menjadi pemimpin yang steril. Dua minggu kemudian, mahasiswa sudah bisa berbangga karena punya pasport.

Setelah itu mereka bertanya lagi, untuk apa pasport ini? Saya katakan, pergilah keluar negeri yang tak berbahasa Melayu. Tidak boleh ke Malaysia, Singapura, Timor Leste atau Brunei Darussalam. Pergilah sejauh yang mampu dan bisa dijangkau.

"Uang untuk beli tiketnya bagaimana, pak?" Saya katakan saya tidak tahu. Dalam hidup ini, setahu saya hanya orang bodohlah yang selalu memulai pertanyaan hidup, apalagi memulai misi kehidupan dan tujuannya dari uang. Dan begitu seorang pemula bertanya uangnya dari mana, maka ia akan terbelenggu oleh constraint. Dan hampir pasti jawabannya hanyalah tidak ada uang, tidak bisa, dan tidak mungkin.

Pertanyaan seperti itu tak hanya ada di kepala mahasiswa, melainkan juga para dosen steril yang kurang jalan-jalan. Bagi mereka yang tak pernah melihat dunia, luar negeri terasa jauh, mahal, mewah, menembus batas kewajaran dan buang-buang uang. Maka tak heran banyak dosen yang takut sekolah ke luar negeri sehingga memilih kuliah di almamaternya sendiri. Padahal dunia yang terbuka bisa membukakan sejuta kesempatan untuk maju. Anda bisa mendapatkan sesuatu yang yang terbayangkan, pengetahuan, teknologi, kedewasaan, dan wisdom.

Namun beruntunglah, pertanyaan seperti itu tak pernah ada di kepala para pelancong, dan diantaranya adalah mahasiswa yang dikenal sebagai kelompok backpackers. Mereka adalah pemburu tiket dan penginapan super murah, menggendong ransel butut dan bersandal jepit, yang kalau kehabisan uang bekerja di warung sebagai pencuci piring. Perilaku melancong mereka sebenarnya tak ada bedanya dengan remaja-remaja Minang, Banjar, atau Bugis, yang merantau ke Pulau Jawa berbekal seadanya.Ini berarti tak banyak orang yang paham bahwa bepergian keluar negeri sudah tak semenyeramkan, sejauh, bahkan semewah di masa lalu.

Seorang mahasiswa asal daerah yang saya dorong pergi jauh, sekarang malah rajin bepergian. Ia bergabung ke dalam kelompok PKI (Pedagang Kaki Lima Internasional) yang tugasnya memetakan pameran-pameran besar yang dikoordinasi pemerintah. Disana mereka membuka lapak, mengambil resiko, menjajakan aneka barang kerajinan, dan pulangnya mereka jalan-jalan, ikut kursus, dan membawa dolar. Saat diwisuda, ia menghampiri saya dengan menunjukkan pasportnya yang tertera stempel imigrasi dari 35 negara. Selain kaya teori, matanya tajam mengendus peluang dan rasa percaya tinggi. Saat teman-temannya yang lulus cum-laude masih mencari kerja, ia sudah menjadi eksekutif di sebuah perusahaan besar di luar negeri.

The Next Convergence
Dalam bukunya yang berjudul The Next Convergence, penerima hadiah Nobel ekonomi Michael Spence mengatakan, dunia tengah memasuki Abad Ke tiga dari Revolusi Industri. dan sejak tahun 1950, rata-rata pendapatan penduduk dunia telah meningkat dua puluh kali lipat. Maka kendati penduduk miskin masih banyak, adalah hal yang biasa kalau kita menemukan perempuan miskin-lulusan SD dari sebuah dusun di Madura bolak-balik Surabaya-Hongkong.

Tetapi kita juga biasa menemukan mahasiswa yang hanya sibuk demo dan tak pernah keluar negeri sekalipun. Jangankan ke luar negeri, tahu harga tiket pesawat saja tidak, apalagi memiliki pasport.Maka bagi saya, penting bagi para pendidik untuk membawa anak-anak didiknya melihat dunia. Berbekal lima ratus ribu rupiah, anak-anak SD dari Pontianak dapat diajak menumpang bis melewati perbatasan Entekong memasuki Kuching. Dalam jarak tempuh sembilan jam mereka sudah mendapatkan pelajaran PPKN yang sangat penting, yaitu pupusnya kebangsaan karena kita kurang urus daerah perbatasan. Rumah-rumah kumuh, jalan berlubang, pedagang kecil yang tak diurus Pemda, dan infrastruktur yang buruk ada di bagian sini. Sedangkan hal sebaliknya ada di sisi seberang. Anak-anak yang melihat dunia akan terbuka matanya dan memakai nuraninya saat memimpin bangsa di masa depan. Di universitas Indonesia, setiap mahasiswa saya diwajibkan memiliki pasport dan melihat minimal satu negara.

Dulu saya sendiri yang menjadi gembala sekaligus guide nya. Kami menembus Chiangmay dan menyaksikan penduduk miskin di Thailand dan Vietnam bertarung melawan arus globalisasi. Namun belakangan saya berubah pikiran, kalau diantar oleh dosennya, kapan memiliki keberanian dan inisiatif? Maka perjalanan penuh pertanyaan pun mereka jalani. Saat anak-anak Indonesia ketakutan tak bisa berbahasa Inggris, anak-anak Korea dan Jepang yang huruf tulisannya jauh lebih rumit dan pronounciation- nya sulit dimengerti menjelajahi dunia tanpa rasa takut. Uniknya, anak-anak didik saya yang sudah punya pasport itu 99% akhirnya dapat pergi keluar negeri. Sekali lagi, jangan tanya darimana uangnya. Mereka memutar otak untuk mendapatkan tiket, menabung, mencari losmen-losmen murah, menghubungi sponsor dan mengedarkan kotak sumbangan. Tentu saja, kalau kurang sedikit ya ditomboki dosennya sendiri.

Namun harap dimaklumi, anak-anak didik saya yang wajahnya ndeso sekalipun kini dipasportnya tertera satu dua cap imigrasi luar negeri. Apakah mereka anak-anak orang kaya yang orangtuanya mampu membelikan mereka tiket? Tentu tidak. Di UI, sebagian mahasiswa kami adalah anak PNS, bahkan tidak jarang mereka anak petani dan nelayan. Tetapi mereka tak mau kalah dengan TKW yang meski tak sepandai mereka, kini sudah pandai berbahasa asing.
Anak-anak yang ditugaskan ke luar negeri secara mandiri ternyata memiliki daya inovasi dan inisiatif yang tumbuh. Rasa percaya diri mereka bangkit. Sekembalinya dari luar negeri mereka membawa segudang pengalaman, cerita, gambar dan foto yang ternyata sangat membentuk visi mereka.

Saya pikir ada baiknya para guru mulai membiasakan anak didiknya memiliki pasport. Pasport adalah tiket untuk melihat dunia, dan berawal dari pasport pulalah seorang santri dari Jawa Timur menjadi pengusaha di luar negeri. Di Italy saya bertemu Dewi Francesca, perempuan asal Bali yang memiliki kafe yang indah di Rocca di Papa. Dan karena pasport pulalah, Yohannes Surya mendapat bea siswa di Amerika Serikat. Ayo, jangan kalah dengan Gayus Tambunan atau Nazaruddin yang baru punya pasport dari uang negara.

*) Guru Besar Universitas Indonesia

Jawapos, 8 Agustus 2011

note. Masih bersabar menunggu waktu untuk traveling lagi, kali ini bersama JR :-)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

GRACE - Laura Story

I burst into tears when I hear this song .... sooooooo me! : ). yet I am forever thankful for the GRACE that stands still no matter how much BLACK DOTS i have in this heart. Once again, He brings me to the CROSS : ).


My heart is so proud. My mind is so unfocused.
I see the things You do through me as great things I have done.
And now You gently break me, then lovingly You take me and hold me as my father and mold me as my maker.

I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, when I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abound?"
And you answer: " My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace."

At times I may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged, knowing that someone, somewhere could do a better job.
For who am I to serve You?I know I don't deserve You.
And that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on.

I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, when I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abounds?"
And you answer: " My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace."
You are so patient with me, Lord.

As I walk with You, I'm learning what Your grace really means.
The price that I could never pay was paid at Calvary.
So, instead of trying to repay You, I'm learning to simply obey You
by giving up my life to you For all that You've given to me.

I ask you: "How many times will you pick me up, when I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory, how far will forgiveness abounds?"
And you answer: " My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking My face, You'll walk in the pow'r of My daily sufficient grace."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hasil merenung...

Hem, tak banyak yang tahu.....
Betapa diri ini bergumul dengan banyak pertanyaan tentang hari esok , hari ini.

Kepala penuh : ), dan saya memutuskan untuk duduk di depan si Pingky yang setia nemenin saya di masa2 stuck n cuma bisa nulis. Hal -hal yang lagi saya renungkan hari- hari ini :

1. Betapa kecilnya manusia, rapuhnya manusia.
Berawal dari merawat ibu saya yang jatuh, berakibat 2 ruas tulang rusuk belakang kiri patah, saya semakin "ditarik" untuk
menyadari , betapa "ringkih"nya manusia itu. 2 tulang rusuk ini bergeser 2 mm ke bawah, dan Anda takkan pernah memba-
yangkan rasa sakitnya sampai Anda melihat orang yang pernah patah tulang rusuk. Untuk bernapas di hari pertama itu, dia
menangis, dan terisak. Untuk batuk, ibu saya harus menahan dengan segenap kekuatan, sampai sesak nafas. Untuk bersin
dibutuhkan 1 bulan, sampai dia benar2 bisa bersin dengan "tulus dan alami" tanpa menekan hidungnya atau menahan sakit.

Kaka ipar saya, digigit seeekor nyamuk Aedes Aygepti, 5 hari badannya panas turun naik, jumlah trombosit turun hingga 1/10 jumlah normal. hanya dalam hitungan 3 hari. Kalau tahu bentuk tubuh kaka ipar saya, hmm mungkin anda akan
berpikir yang sama dengan saya, hemm nyamuk mau gigit jg takut. hehehhe..

Saya sedang belajar menyetir, melihat si motor2 berseliweran seenak dewek tanpa pikir panjang, saya tak habis pikir, tubuh ini kalau kena aspal, tetaplah tubuh yang terdiri dari daging dan kulit, tetap akan terluka. Gampang remuk oleh benturan benda keras, kalau meleset sedikit, maka tubuh ini yang pertama kali "mencium" benda2 di sekitar, mulai dari aksi terbang, sampai ada di kolong mobil, semuanya merusak fungsi organ manusia. kita itu ringkih...haaahhh... pengendara motor, sayangi tubuh Anda. : ).

2. Walau manusia rapuh, di saat yang sama saya ditarik untuk melihat "betapa kuatnya manusia itu"

Kalau dipikirkan lebih lanjut, makhluk yang bisa beradaptasi dengan segala situasi itu manusia, walau dibantu alat2 ya.
Di udara sedingin apapun, manusia tetep pernah " menaklukan" Mount Everest, Di udara sepanas apapun di padang gurun Timur Tengah, dalam keadaan sedahaga apapun, manusia tetap melanjutkan hidupnya : ).

Ditempa sekeras apapun oleh kemiskinan, kemelaratan, kesengsaraan, manusia tetap hidup, dan bernafas. Tetap menyuguhkan senyuman saat orang lain tersenyum padanya.
Ditaro di situasi yang sulit sekalipun, manusia tetap hidup, walau kualitas hidupnya mungkin menurun. Tapi tetap : Manusia itu KUAT sekali. Ia dianugerahkan kekuatan untuk berkuasa atas semua ciptaan : ). Isn't it a good news ?

Jadi, tak perlu takut, sedih, susah, merana, dan merasa Anda yang paling sengsara. Di hutan rimba manusia tetap hidup, di dalam kesukaran apapun, manusia terbukti tetap bisa tersenyum dana melanjutkan hidup : ). Be glad, the strength is already there. :D.

Dayspring Blessings : ).

Below are the encouraging words from a dayspring e-card, sent to my bb. I feel loved, and i know the Wonderful Counselor is alive! He knows when I'm worrying n questioning a lot about what tomorrow might bring.

My family has a favorite phrase: "We'll see..."
We add it at the end of stories. Grab onto it to describe the future. Toss it into the middle of decisions.
It works pretty well.
And yet lately I've found myself wondering what it might mean to add more to the end of that phrase - to not simply stop at
"We'll see."
What if I finished the sentence?

We'll see...God come through in amazing ways.
We'll see...how He'll work all of this out.
We'll see...His goodness in the middle of the happy and hard places.
Yes, He knows all our circumstances, every hair on our heads, every care in our hearts.
He'll see...always has, always will (that includes today too).
And somehow that's enough to make me close my eyes and smile for awhile.

-Holley Gerth

We'll see everything comes for a reason : ).


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

what a THANK YOU can do..

Notes di bawah ini ditulis oleh seorang sahabat terbaik saya yang menuangkan pengalamannya :

Dari duluuuuu
Saya terkenal sbg salah satu org ter"naive" di dunia
Gampang percaya
Mudah diboongin
Selalu bilang org baik
Sahabatan sama kata"ngalah"
Ga enakan setengah mati
Sasaran empuk u/ ditekan
Berpuluh2 nasihat pernah saya denger ttg ini, Berikut bbrp diantaranya
"baikkk sama bodoh itu tipiiiss cyn bedanya!"
"come on, jgn terlalu naive! Dunia ini ga sebaik yg loe pikir!
"welcome to the jungle,cyn!"
"oiii jgn may diinjek2!! SPEAK!!"
Dan lain-lain yg jumlahnya ratusan!
Tp dari dulu sampe skrg saya selalu mikir klo "hati kita tulus", pasti TUHAN jg ga butaaaa ko :D
Dan berbuat sesuatu yg jujur dan baik, ga akan membuat kita lbih BODOH dr yg lain!
I just wanna say that
I think, Im RIGHT
Dari dulu, di tengah dunia kerja yg bnyk dikenal as a "JUNGLE" ini, I can Survive well!!! Because GOD works!!
Bukan dengan "mencelakai" org2 yg jahat sama saya, tp dengan menempatkan dan mengenalkan saya dgn org2 yg tepat yg jg berhati baik!
I can frankly speak about it! Mulai dr di RCTI, say cheese n subur, n YCAB foundation, I am surrounded by GoOd people with great power!
The point of this note is simple
When this world confusing u
Whether u should be good and do good
or u should play tricks n have some hidden agendas to protect yourself
The answer is
Be good to anyone
Do good to anyone
Have no hidden agenda
Have a pure heart
Stay sincere
You dont need to be affraid
Just do good
God knows better
on how to protect you in this "jungle"
He will take care of the rest
I am a living witness _ cynthia tenggara.

Ada 1 sAat saya bangun dan hemm biasa jadi miss Grumpy, males ngantor dll. Mengingat u ke jkt aja di senin pagi saya harus bangun jam 4 am, n duduk di bus by 4.45 am. Sampe kantor disambut sama muka mesem rekan kerja, n celotehan "kurang bermutu" ttg atasan saya. Rasanya kalo ngikutin hati pengen ngmg " helloooowww, kita lagi kerja kali. Namanya kerja ya cape, namanya juga kerja. Yauda lah saling support spy hari kita menyenangkan. Tapi saya juga ngerti, who am I to judge people around me.I always come back to have d right respond withy n d right attitude toward ur work. There's gonna be the time, kalo kt amsal. Ada saatnya terang orang benar itu bercahaya. Soo.. Though I was grumpy I pressed on to do what is right.

N yesterday night I almost burst into tears, when laoshi came up to me with a warm hug and say "tHank you for being wise" I was there standing. Thinking of.... Do I deserve the "thanks you". O well she never see me was grumpy on d bus, cried on my ojeg. She thanked me. N it changes everything. It should be me , who ought to say "thank you for a chance to learn n do my internship"

I flashed back, there're times when I came home n all I do is praying. Bless my leaders and bless those who hate my leaders ( I know how irony is this). N I know that God hears my pleads, He seeks through heart n He teaches me to treasure sincere heary more than anything.

N yeah He has His own way to work. He can do anything just to make your righteousness shine s bright after he brings u to the "molding" process.

Above all : this quotes still proven :

What comes from heart shall touch heart :).

-when a thank you means a lot-

Saturday, June 4, 2011

If I just touch His clothes...

Aku berdiam di kesunyian
Di keheningan baitMu, Bapa
Tanpa kata dan tanpa bahasa
Hanya menunggu Engkau, Tuhan

Yesus Tuhanku Kau paling mengerti
Rapuh hati ini, letih jiwa ini
Jamah ya, Tuhanku
Jamah ya, Tuhanku
S'bab Engkaulah Tuhan yang paling mengerti


"If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed "
But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman,
knowing what had happened to her, CAME and FELL at his feet and
trembling with fear, told Him the whole truth.
He said to her " Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

- Faith like a child -

Today we had to keep helping each other :) as one of our team went for a holiday. Its been a tired week honestly. Yet all we do is Finish the Week Well! Then u ll be okay on weekend.

So I helped 1 of my team mate in doing the reading test with 1 student, "M". Yea he has a so called Christian name. U guess :). While we did the review in reading the article, came one girl that bluntly said : "hey, u look like a GAY" fyi she's just turned 9yo. He was mad at her, whispering d word : You, son of B*t*h! .then the boy continue to read with me. He said : who's that girl miss? She's soooooo bad. N almost said the F word I let him stay focus in what we've been reading.

After we finish read, its time for M to do the test. What surprised me is he spontaneously asked : is this gonna be the real test? I nodded. And He closed his eyes, n start praying. "Lord Jesus, am about to have the test, please bless me and gimme wisdom, in d name of Jesus Christ I pray ". I smiled :).

It warmth my heart, the way M remembers whenever he's going to have d test, all he will naturally do is PRAYInG. Isn't it great? Little M just know that he can't do by himself even - just taught him. Isn't this is a GreaT DEPENDANCE he showed?

Well, some might think about , seconds ago he just said that "dirty words" oh is he a real Christian ?. Well, I agree. He shouldn't go with that dirty words, but its a natural reaction. He was just be honest with all he is. Not trying to justify what he just did, but d point is, he COmES before the LorD with ALL HE IS. As time runs, as her parents teach him ( that I'm sure they bring up their children with values) he'd come to understand - living this life in harmony - to put his faith into action, into everything he think, he says and he does. Its just the Dependance he showed make me realize how good it is þo Have Faith like a Child.

- breaking d bondage of legalism, everyone has a chance to Change -

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

fow what is seen is Temporary , what is UNSEEN is ETERNAL

Sunday, april 17th - 12 am
We went to RS. Salak, to see one of our youth member. I was told that this young girl had a limfosit cancer. Well, we came by and pray as we always do. I was soooo amazed with the Smile this 19 yo girl has. Though she was weak, laid down on d bed with 3 other patients , she look charming. She smiled and ask, "who are you? Am lil confuse " I said my name. She said I didn't know u personally. I smiled back. We ended up in prayers and asking the Father for an extra strength and above all for His will be done. :).

sunday, april 17th - 2 pm
Some of the youth member had a meeting, discuss how to raise fund for this young woman. It cost a lot for her just to lay down and waiting for the biopsy result.

Sunday, april 17th - 7pm
We talked how to do the fund raising, who's in charge in this n that. Here I see how the LoVe that bind each other. How the compassion heart moves everyone.

Monday, april 18th - 9 am

Our beloved sister in Christ, WENT HOME. We are all sure that this is the best what God's been prepared. We don't have any CRITical Question of WHY. For we know naturally, that she has FINIShEd all what she's to do. And we Praise the Lord for that.

We give our last honour to our dear sister. We rejoice with you, for we know u're in a Good Hand now. Thank you for set us an example to live this life worthy of the calling, thanks for being faithful, thanks for finishing WELL. Above all thanks that on ur last breath, you keep being a living witness to your family.

Thanks for always sow what is UnSEeN, we know its ETERNAL. Your mam bragged about you ( this I know every mom would do this, but your mom did it differently, she loves what u did when ure alive) that u re the one who always go to church, go to sunday school. And ure about to accept scholarship and go to Korea. I know what ur mom sees is ur everyday life, ur everyday routines. And what u left for them is this : Good Name. Good Deed. Good EXample.

Yea I didn't know you personally, but 1 day, I left my plastic bag on the church. I forgot that's inside but I treasure it. N the next sunday, u came to me with that warm smile and said : "think this is yours, I kept it for you" . I said my deep thanks and ask : "what's ur name again? - Renny" . Since then I ve never talk to her a lot, but I know she's a good person. She did what is "unseen" keep ppl 's things left on the church service. Yet she did it faithfully.

No other words,
She taught me to do what is UNSEEn to set my eyes on it.
For what is UnSEEN is eternal

Her mom will keep bragging about her ( n this is good :))
For what is unseen is ETERNAL.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

- Hurt people hurt -

I know how weird this title sounds. ITs a very simple sentence ,yet its worth a ponder. n it teaches me lotS!

I found my self in a "hard to adjust" situation, I don't really care actually what people surround me do n say, as far as I do all my tasks n be good. But thing doesn't always go on ur way, and yeah thats what happened. I pray when I do my part, then people will stop complaining and start to strive doing our best, as I wish they would see how hard I m trying to always be +.

Now i know the reason why........ I dont have a time to follow to be "bitter". I made a decision clearly. HURT people always Hurt, so BreaK THe ChaiN,
n make a difference....

GO against the flow,

and you'll see how Restored People, HEAL! : ) .

sooo.. yeah as you have received the Love that is UNCOnditional,
Accept u just the way you are,
It is the Love worth giving.

EVeryone has a BIG chance to be FORGIVEN.

- teach us and Forgive us, as we forgive them who trespass against us -

Friday, January 21, 2011

New season of Life : )

Am back :D.
setelah beberapa lama ga nulis, tertelan oleh kesibukan diri 'adjust' kembali dengan negeri asal. Saya kembali duduk....
dan belajar mendengar.

Saya hanya ingin berbagi tentang rasa syukur ini, i know no words would enough to express my gratitude for having such a great father like mine : ). tepatnya 2 minggu lalu, kmi melakukan rutinitas Jumat pagi : jalan menyusuri kebun teh gunung mas.
Memang hidup di china itu, 1 training u/ cinta berjalan kaki, yang biasanya saya bisa marah2 karena jalan 2 jam, kali ini jalan selama 2.5 jam tidak berasa cape, hanya hati yang tenang dan segar.....

i thank God for a time when we can share laughters and tears
a time to share our humming ...
a time to share a "Woow" when we see the work of His hand
a time to say Grace on the top of the mountain...
thanks that You 're the Creator of the Universe yet You care for our details Lord,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



Am meeting one woman,... she's a friend of my sista. from the first sentence she spoke to the last one, all she speaks is in ENGLISH. she lives in indonesia, n She's chinese descendant. She learnt a lil bit chinese, n she called it "garbage chinese" coz she never be in a formal class, she used to hang out with taiwanese.

i didn't talk to her coz am busy thinking.................................

how Indonesian are weird
some people would tell its rich with its culture. so english is our 2nd lang, and its "COOL" to speak in english..
while me am thinking of heeemmmmm....

am free n totally FREE to speak out without thinking too much and struggle with grammar and new words in my home country. here in Indonesia. I ve never ever appreciate how good it feels to speak in my mother language before I studied chinese.
n now am meeting one chinese girl who always speaks in english in our own country....

ok i can tell
somehow speak in english will help ur kiddos growing in a language environment and they will easily learn english someday.
this quite weird but i know this thing exists, people feel smarter, n sometimes it makes ppl feel they are " smart, well educated, prestige, COOL" when they speak in english.

But .....
when will their kids learn to love Bahasa Indonesia? and appreciate their mother language naturally ?
Ppl would answer : kids will learn their mother language when they're at school, Don't worry. yet educate them to always speak in ENglish or Mandarin or any other language.

heem.... this just seems weird for me..

tho i dunno what will i teach my kids someday. DO i appreciate Bahasa Indonesia enough ? Or am i proud to be indonesian who's half chinese, speaks Bahasa Indonesia, chinese n english. coz i also feel weird to sum up this weird thing i found not in my mother language but in ENGLISH.

heemmmmmm *... *

something to think about :D....
