Tuesday, June 14, 2011

what a THANK YOU can do..

Notes di bawah ini ditulis oleh seorang sahabat terbaik saya yang menuangkan pengalamannya :

Dari duluuuuu
Saya terkenal sbg salah satu org ter"naive" di dunia
Gampang percaya
Mudah diboongin
Selalu bilang org baik
Sahabatan sama kata"ngalah"
Ga enakan setengah mati
Sasaran empuk u/ ditekan
Berpuluh2 nasihat pernah saya denger ttg ini, Berikut bbrp diantaranya
"baikkk sama bodoh itu tipiiiss cyn bedanya!"
"come on, jgn terlalu naive! Dunia ini ga sebaik yg loe pikir!
"welcome to the jungle,cyn!"
"oiii jgn may diinjek2!! SPEAK!!"
Dan lain-lain yg jumlahnya ratusan!
Tp dari dulu sampe skrg saya selalu mikir klo "hati kita tulus", pasti TUHAN jg ga butaaaa ko :D
Dan berbuat sesuatu yg jujur dan baik, ga akan membuat kita lbih BODOH dr yg lain!
I just wanna say that
I think, Im RIGHT
Dari dulu, di tengah dunia kerja yg bnyk dikenal as a "JUNGLE" ini, I can Survive well!!! Because GOD works!!
Bukan dengan "mencelakai" org2 yg jahat sama saya, tp dengan menempatkan dan mengenalkan saya dgn org2 yg tepat yg jg berhati baik!
I can frankly speak about it! Mulai dr di RCTI, say cheese n subur, n YCAB foundation, I am surrounded by GoOd people with great power!
The point of this note is simple
When this world confusing u
Whether u should be good and do good
or u should play tricks n have some hidden agendas to protect yourself
The answer is
Be good to anyone
Do good to anyone
Have no hidden agenda
Have a pure heart
Stay sincere
You dont need to be affraid
Just do good
God knows better
on how to protect you in this "jungle"
He will take care of the rest
I am a living witness _ cynthia tenggara.

Ada 1 sAat saya bangun dan hemm biasa jadi miss Grumpy, males ngantor dll. Mengingat u ke jkt aja di senin pagi saya harus bangun jam 4 am, n duduk di bus by 4.45 am. Sampe kantor disambut sama muka mesem rekan kerja, n celotehan "kurang bermutu" ttg atasan saya. Rasanya kalo ngikutin hati pengen ngmg " helloooowww, kita lagi kerja kali. Namanya kerja ya cape, namanya juga kerja. Yauda lah saling support spy hari kita menyenangkan. Tapi saya juga ngerti, who am I to judge people around me.I always come back to have d right respond withy n d right attitude toward ur work. There's gonna be the time, kalo kt amsal. Ada saatnya terang orang benar itu bercahaya. Soo.. Though I was grumpy I pressed on to do what is right.

N yesterday night I almost burst into tears, when laoshi came up to me with a warm hug and say "tHank you for being wise" I was there standing. Thinking of.... Do I deserve the "thanks you". O well she never see me was grumpy on d bus, cried on my ojeg. She thanked me. N it changes everything. It should be me , who ought to say "thank you for a chance to learn n do my internship"

I flashed back, there're times when I came home n all I do is praying. Bless my leaders and bless those who hate my leaders ( I know how irony is this). N I know that God hears my pleads, He seeks through heart n He teaches me to treasure sincere heary more than anything.

N yeah He has His own way to work. He can do anything just to make your righteousness shine s bright after he brings u to the "molding" process.

Above all : this quotes still proven :

What comes from heart shall touch heart :).

-when a thank you means a lot-

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